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![]() MathScore EduFighter is one of the best math games on the Internet today. You can start playing for free! Louisiana Math Standards - 5th GradeMathScore aligns to the Louisiana Math Standards for 5th Grade. The standards appear below along with the MathScore topics that match. If you click on a topic name, you will see sample problems at varying degrees of difficulty that MathScore generated. When students use our program, the difficulty of the problems will automatically adapt based on individual performance, resulting in not only true differentiated instruction, but a challenging game-like experience.
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Number and Number Relations1. Differentiate between the terms factor and multiple, and prime and composite (Prime Numbers , Factoring )2. Recognize, explain, and compute equivalent fractions for common fractions (Basic Fraction Simplification , Fraction Simplification ) 3. Add and subtract fractions with common denominators and use mental math to determine whether the answer is reasonable (Basic Fraction Addition , Basic Fraction Subtraction ) 4. Compare positive fractions using number sense, symbols (i.e., <, =, >), and number lines (Fraction Comparison , Basic Fraction Comparison ) 5. Read, explain, and write a numerical representation for positive improper fractions, mixed numbers, and decimals from a pictorial representation and vice versa (Positive Number Line ) 6. Select and discuss the correct operation for a given problem involving positive fractions using appropriate language such as sum, difference, numerator, and denominator (Fraction Word Problems , Fraction Word Problems 2 ) 7. Select, sequence, and use appropriate operations to solve multi-step word problems with whole numbers (Arithmetic Word Problems ) 8. Use the whole number system (e.g., computational fluency, place value, etc.) to solve problems in real-life and other content areas (Long Addition , Long Subtraction , Long Multiplication , Long Division , Long Division with Remainders , Small Decimal Division , Word Problems With Remainders ) 9. Use mental math and estimation strategies to predict the results of computations (i.e., whole numbers, addition and subtraction of fractions) and to test the reasonableness of solutions (Decimal Rounding to .01 , Estimated Addition , Estimated Subtraction , Money Addition , Money Subtraction ) 10. Determine when an estimate is sufficient and when an exact answer is needed in real-life problems using whole numbers (Estimated Multiply Divide Word Problems ) 11. Explain concepts of ratios and equivalent ratios using models and pictures in real-life problems (e.g., understand that 2/3 means 2 divided by 3) (Ratios ) Algebra12. Find unknown quantities in number sentences by using mental math, backward reasoning, inverse operations (i.e., unwrapping), and manipulatives (e.g., tiles, balance scales) (Missing Factor , Missing Term )13. Write a number sentence from a given physical model of an equation (e.g., balance scale) (Requires outside materials ) 14. Find solutions to one-step inequalities and identify positive solutions on a number line (Number Line Inequalities ) Measurement15. Model, measure, and use the names of all common units in the U.S. and metric systems16. Apply the concepts of elapsed time in real-life situations and calculate equivalent times across time zones in real-life problems (Time Intervals ) 17. Distinguish among the processes of counting, calculating, and measuring and determine which is the most appropriate strategy for a given situation 18. Estimate time, temperature, weight/mass, and length in familiar situations and explain the reasonableness of answers 19. Compare the relative sizes of common units for time, temperature, weight, mass, and length in real-life situations 20. Identify appropriate tools and units with which to measure time, mass, weight, temperature, and length 21. Measure angles to the nearest degree 22. Compare and estimate measurements between the U.S. and metric systems in terms of common reference points (e.g., l vs. qt., m vs. yd.) 23. Convert between units of measurement for length, weight, and time, in U.S. and metric, within the same system (Distance Conversion , Time Conversion , Weight Conversion ) Geometry24. Use mathematical terms to classify and describe the properties of 2-dimensional shapes, including circles, triangles, and polygons (Triangle Types , Polygon Names )25. Identify and use appropriate terminology for transformations (e.g., translation as slide, reflection as flip, and rotation as turn) 26. Identify shapes that have rotational symmetry 27. Identify and plot points on a coordinate grid in the first quadrant Data Analysis, Probability, and Discrete Math28. Use various types of charts and graphs, including double bar graphs, to organize, display, and interpret data and discuss patterns verbally and in writing29. Compare and contrast different scales and labels for bar and line graphs (Bar Graphs , Line Graphs ) 30. Organize and display data using spreadsheets, with technology 31. Compare and contrast survey data from two groups relative to the same question 32. Represent probabilities as common fractions and recognize that probabilities fall between 0 and 1, inclusive (Probability ) Patterns, Relations, and Functions33. Fill in missing elements in sequences of designs, number patterns, positioned figures, and quantities of objects (Patterns: Numbers , Patterns: Shapes )Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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